Gain Entry
We use high quality professional locksmith tools to gain entry to your house, car or commercial premises. Unlike 'bait and switch' scammers, we have no hidden charges and can open most locks in a flash
We change the combination of your lock by replacing the pins so that the old key no longer works. 2 keys supplied per rekey with the option to key alike your locks in most cases
Working alongside Victoria Police and property managers to remove delinquent tenants and secure a premises. All legalities are covered and enforced through VCAT. The security is also assessed to make sure there is minimal chance of tenants/squatters returning
Property maintenance
We repair, modify, replace or upgrade your lockset with either fresh-fit or retro fitting options depending on circumstances. Work is issued from property managers under instruction and approval from landlords
Master keying and access control
We configure a variety of keys to operate the one cylinder, or a variety of cylinders to work off the one key. You control access, you approve the issuing and production of keys.
Keys cut
We cut keys to code, duplicate keys, or impression locks with a wide variety of domestic and commercial blanks. Now also stocking restricted profiles for high security